


Aficionado | Member since 2021 | Germany

45 Ratings | 28 Likes | 3 Followers

Hello, I am here to share some of my rum experience. I enjoy reading all the reviews here, so I should contribute too. My preferences are heavily leaning towards dry, robust and intense rums. Sweet rums are normally not my thing, nor are "smooth" rums. I have not found yet many rums from Barbados that I like. There are exceptions, but generally I find slightly rough, characterful rums more interesting. Not afraid of dunder, smoke, bitter or ashy notes. If your preferences differ from mine, then you will like other rums. As for other spirits, I also enjoy whisky (preferring either smokey whiskies from Islay or young, fruity Speyside whiskies), calvados and some fruit brandys. With grape brandy ("cognac") it is a mixed bunch, as I find most of it too sweet.


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