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Pitorro Parcha (Passion Fruit) rum

Pitorro Parcha (Passion Fruit)

Puerto Rico | Flavored | 30% ABV

2 ratings
Flawed with a glimmer of hope

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2 Pitorro Parcha (Passion Fruit) Ratings

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Triton Ogletree 🇺🇸 | 134 ratings
Posted 2 years ago

This is essentially rum moonshine with a bunch of sweetened juice in it. Parcha is passion fruit en Español. It's a popular shooter in Puerto Rico among tourists and locals. As long as you realize what you've purchased, it's fairly delicious. It's not exactly rum but it's something that you should try if you happen to be in Puerto Rico.

Jason 🇺🇸 | 60 ratings
Posted 6 years ago

I'm unashamed of my love of all things sweet and fruity, and even though I bought this one on a whim in San Juan a few years ago, I was expecting more. Oh, and to clarify, the bottle says the flavor is "parcha", but that translates to passionfruit, so that's why I've listed it as so here. Now back to the important stuff. Yeah, it just smells and tastes (at least on its own) kind of artificial. I've had other fruit flavored rums that I would sip, but this is not one of those. Once mixed it works fairly well though, so just use it for that purpose.

Brand Details

Type: Flavored
Company: Pitorro
Country: Puerto Rico
Name: Parcha (Passion Fruit)
ABV: 30%
Raw Material: Unknown
Process: Unknown
Distillation: Unknown
Women Led: No