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Noble Selected Guyana Dark rum

Noble Selected Guyana Dark

Sweden | Dark | 40% ABV

3 ratings
Tasty, but not quite great

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3 Noble Selected Guyana Dark Ratings

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Dr. Brittlebone 🇸🇪 | 17 ratings
Posted almost 8 years ago

Noble Selected 50% (Guyana)

Eye: Golden brown

Nose: A dusty ball of alcohol hits the nose which actually cause me to twitch. It is so harsh it is difficult to sense anything else but unbearable pain and it takes several minutes before settling down. The rum reeks of diesel rag and vanilla, epoxy, brown sugar and half dried paint together with old dried fruits. Long, sticky legs drapes the inside of the glass. This unpleasant experience finishes off with some sweet scents of cheap chocolate dipped marzipan. It is quite hard to sniff it because of the intense dry cloud of ethanol. Not a great smell. It´s not even that interesting. Let´s hope this rum has more to offer on the palate.

Mouth: Burn! Nope, not making up for the indecent smell. This rum tastes of cheap cognac and explode in an unfavorable way in the mouth. Immediate heartburn and a numb tongue is what we start with here. I am fairly familiar with cask strength whiskies but they, unlike this simpleton, usually offers some taste and flavors to balance it all up. I smell it again and now a lot of dark Christmas toffee appears. The brown, burned treacle based one you are happy to only have one of. But there is something else happening as well. Some more elegant notes of cedar wood and Seville orange enters and evens the score. Not nearly enough to be forgiven but still… It´s short, intense, sprawling and alcohol dominated with a sweet centre of butter scotch and faint caramel.

Reaction: Fire in the hole! This cheap thing tastes spicy aquavit and the standard cognac that they will serve you in an airplane (coach). It´s a fiery and thin rum I´m struggling to understand. I raises a lot of questions. When do I drink this? What on earth is the purpose of the high ABV? Is it made to be drink base? Well, anyway, as always I am thankful for the experience and I am also aware some days are better than others. It goes for rum as well.


Price: 399 SEK
Tasted: 2016, in a Riedel Sommelier Cognac XO glass at room temperature.

Niclas Carlman 🇸🇪 | 80 ratings
Posted almost 8 years ago

Dr Brittlebone pretty much nailed the description of this venomous rum.
The alcohol and arrak-scent really invades your nostrils and leaves them sore.
The company also produces punsch and vodka, and this rum is more like punsch than rum.
Still it's an interesting thing to try, would'nt buy a whole bottle thou.

Claes 🇸🇪 | 16 ratings
Posted almost 7 years ago

I think I liked the Trinidad better. This one was to strong

Brand Details

Type: Dark
Company: Noble Selected
Country: Sweden
Name: Guyana Dark
ABV: 40%
Raw Material: Unknown
Process: Unknown
Distillation: Unknown
Women Led: No