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Cadenhead's Haitian Green Label 5-Year rum

Cadenhead's Haitian Green Label 5-Year

United Kingdom | Aged | 46% ABV

1 rating
Flawed with a glimmer of hope

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1 Cadenhead's Haitian Green Label 5-Year Ratings

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Dr. Brittlebone 🇸🇪 | 17 ratings
Posted almost 8 years ago

Cadenhead's Green Label 5 years 45% (Haiti)

Eye: German Riesling

Nose: Ouch! Varnish. Sharp citrus-zest… (Pause and breathe) Faint honeydew melon, physalis, astringent from ethanol, maybe some green apple skin and green flowers. It feels very young and immature but after a while we have some sweet developments with white flowers and currants. It has some Grappa qualities over it. I don´t like that. It is so unforgiving I am actually hesitant to drink it. I dread it but when I do I find some strange layer of vanilla cupcake at the end but just as it appears and wants to break through the high ABV take over again. I guess there must be some other stuff in there “but frankly my dear, I don´t care”.

Mouth: Just as I suspected. It has that Pinot Gris-green taste but with an overwhelming alcohol cloud surrounding it. It tastes of fermented birch sap and reminds me of a very young and unambitious independent bottling of Clynelish. It is dry and the palate is numb and tastes of soot. Twenty minutes in it suddenly becomes unbearably sweet which is kind of bizarre since it was totally dry a just then. If you disregard the finish it could pass for a highland coastal scotch which is not a compliment in this case. Tulips, some white flowers dying in a vase filled with eau-de-vie.

Reaction: Well, the taste wasn´t very surprising as the color and the smell gave its “qualities” away. At least it is consistent in its crapulence. There are some discrete sympathetic elements and I seem to try it over and over again to make sure I didn´t miss anything and just as I think I have found something it quickly comes to its senses and ruining it for me. I want to like it but I can´t.


Price: 499 SEK
Tasted: 2016, in a Riedel Sommelier Cognac XO glass at room temperature.

Brand Details

Type: Aged
Company: Cadenhead's
Country: United Kingdom
Name: Haitian Green Label 5-Year
ABV: 46%
Years Aged: 5
Raw Material: Unknown
Process: Unknown
Distillation: Unknown
Women Led: No