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Copacabana Anejo 1940 rum

Copacabana Anejo 1940

Panama | Gold | 40% ABV

3 ratings
Tasty, but not quite great

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3 Copacabana Anejo 1940 Ratings

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Paul B 🇺🇸 | 472 ratings
Posted 3 years ago

I am not one to be attracted to bottles, but this unique throwback design has caught my eye for years. I already knew that the rum inside would rate as a 6 at best, but I still bought it when I found it far away from home.

It is pale yellow as if aged only three years. Supposedly, this Panamanian rum is aged for 7 years, but I seriously doubt it. It tastes like your slightly above average gold mixer. It's best use would be as a $30 decoration for your bar and definitely a conversation piece.

Update August 3, 2021: I finally got the courage to finish this gold mixer rum after four months. All this rum is good for is the gorgeous throwback bottle with the painted front label, no slap on sticky label here. So I compared two other gold mixer rums to this one side by side before finishing this one off. Cruzan Gold was just barely better and Don Q Anejo was a lot better. You get my drift! Use this classic bottle to store your current gold mixer rums that are always in ugly bottles. I was never into fancy bottles, but I do not have the heart to throw this wonderful bottle away. The rum inside was lucky enough to get my 6 rating.

Beukeboom 🇺🇸 | 304 ratings
Posted 8 years ago

As a history buff I do like the design of the bottle.

The rum, however, could be better. It seems to be JUST on the precipice of being a very good rum but instead falls a tad short.

The rum is straw colored and has a rather harsh aroma. Its flavor is rather intense. Not bad actually. There is a hint of sweetness at the outset with hints of pineapple and citrus as well as a pepperiness to it. According to the website the rum was aged in white oak barrels but does not indicate for how long (one online source says 7 years) nor if the barrels were charred or not. I detect some oak flavor relating to a tannen tinge. Once the burn fades the finish is quite nice with hints of the pineapple again along with a caramel undercurrent.

A little too harsh to be a sipping rum in my opinion. This rum would be better suited for mixers such as a mojito or a hurricane.

Chet 🇺🇸 | 199 ratings
Posted 8 years ago

This 7 year rum is decent overall. Has a tinge of sweetness but a truck load of esters, which leave your nose and mouth begging for air. The nose is good, mouth feel is ok and it has a decent finish but lacks luster and smoothness that we so often desire in a rum. For the money a decent price and value. Not something I will label as a "Must Have" but worth consuming. Very nice glass embossed bottle!

Brand Details

Type: Gold
Company: Copacabana
Country: Panama
Name: Anejo 1940
ABV: 40%
Raw Material: Unknown
Process: Unknown
Distillation: Unknown
Women Led: No