


Connoisseur | Member since 2015 | United Kingdom

32 Ratings | 7 Likes

born in 1959, Norfolk, England. Served in HM Royal Marines and then full career in Fire and Rescue. Lost part of my sense of smell years ago so unable to get the full impact of many fine Rums but 'can get some' ! Sweet tooth so like the sugary stuff with mixers. After trying around a couple of dozen varieties Im moving more towards neat samplesor with a single Ice cube . ( I still love the mixers though) High street offerings are ok but now prefer to be a little more selective allbeit Im  no conniseuer.  I either like it or I dont. The real problems come with trying to find quality stocked in the local pub/bars s so you end up drinking at home or getting stuck with very limited options when going out. I look at a few sites on social media and Im still surprised when people post what they have 'found' which for the most part is high street options but hey, we all have to start somewhere. Ive tried many more than I've posted reviews, as I only review stuff Ive had by the bottle to give it a fair crack. 


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